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The Most Life-Changing Resume on the Internet, by the Sheets & Giggles guy

"Because nobody should have a sheety resume."

This terrible quote above is by Colin McIntosh ( I’m Founder and CEO of the now world-famous bedding brand Sheets & Giggles, and author of the most popular Reddit resume advice of all time.

Why is a bedding CEO so knowledgeable about job hunting? Well, before I moved mattresses and slung sheets, I was a recruiter for some of the largest banks, most well-known startups, and most evil hedge funds in the world (don’t quote me on that last one, please).

Anyway, after writing a post on Reddit in 2018 on a random Saturday morning, my free-to-use resume format has been downloaded millions of times, and I’ve helped literally tens of thousands of people find jobs (that I know of). All for free!

Through comments, chats, and PMs, I’ve answered thousands of questions 1:1 about resumes and job hunting. To this day – 5 years later! – I get dozens of messages every day asking for personalized resume advice, and while I always try to answer as many questions as I can on the fly, far too many requests for help go unread and unanswered due to my own time constraints.

There is literally no better feeling than helping someone find a new job – it creates income for families, moves people forward with their career goals, launches someone on a new path… and can even give someone’s children better access to healthcare (our employer-provided healthcare system sucks so hard, man).

For years, I resisted making a professional resume review service, in favor of focusing on Sheets & Giggles. Now 5 years later, S&G is in a much more stable place, and I’m able to have a few more hours here and there for other interests. So, after many years of being asked, I’ve set up a way to help further!

Via this website, I have partnered with my former recruiting colleague and mentor (who taught me everything I know) to assist those in need of a good, fast, cheap 1:1 resume review. Far too many services out there are predatory–sometimes charging job seekers thousands of dollars during an extremely vulnerable time in their life– so we’ll do everything you need for as little money as we can reasonably charge for our time.

How can you trust us to do a good and thorough job? Well, for one, if you feel like we didn’t give you your money’s worth, you have the incredibly unique recourse of leaving a highly-public comment on my high-traffic Reddit post that hundreds of people read every day… probably risky to mention that.

Second, we only ask for a $50 deposit upfront (so we don’t get totally stiffed), and ask you to pay the remainder only when you’re satisfied with a job well done.

Third, we’re clearly not the most pushy salesmen out there in this space… we haven’t even tried to sell you anything yet.

Things We're Peddling:

If you're interested in any of the paid services, you can schedule a free intro meeting by getting in touch with a few sentences about your situation and job hunt, any particular items you are struggling with resume or interview-wise, and how quickly you're looking to move. Also totally cool if you don't know what you need; we're happy to review your case and let you know where we think you are!

In case Reddit ever shuts down or my post goes kaput, I also wanted to create this site to serve as a permanent respository of resume guidance and answers to frequently asked questions that we've shared over the years. So feel free to peruse our best resume advice and job hunting FAQs , and of course use my always-free, ready-to-go resume template.

Happy job hunting! I know it can be a pain, but be sure to at least use this time to sleep in, work out, hit a lawyer, and divorce a gym.

- Colin McIntosh, Sheets & Giggles CEO and head hunter turned bedding mogul

Some People We’ve Helped Find Jobs Recently

Ashley Gliss picture for testimonial
Ashley Gliss
Technical Product Manager, Hagerty

"The new resume has definitely gained me some traction! I made it to the executive round 3 at an edtech non-profit but was not selected. Then I was offered a position at a company in May, working contract. I started that job and poof, got a phone call from one of my top 5 companies for a Technical Product Manager position which I got and I start on the 15th! The cool thing is, this exact job at this company was the first one I submitted my old resume to last June and didn't even get a phone call. A year later another position opened and here I am, so, huge huge thanks to you Nate! :)"

Chase Ruhl picture for testimonial
Chase Ruhl
Sales Manager

"Of all the career advice and guidance I've received, Colin's was far and away the most helpful and professional. All of the answers and guidance he gave me played an immensely important role in helping me land an amazing job! I can confidently recommend all of his services, and say he's a genuinely great guy who invests all of his time in his clients success, while always being easy to talk to. 10/10!"

Stasi Vladimirov picture for testimonial
Stasi Vladimirov
Senior Software Engineer

"Hey Colin just wanted to say thanks again for your work on my resume! For experiment purposes, I submitted it to 100 various job opportunities I found on LinkedIn about 2 weeks ago. I received 21 requests for interview so far, which is amazing and much higher then what I expected."

Matthew Mutter picture for testimonial
Matthew Mutter
Relationship Manager

"I just wanted to say thank you again for your resume services! I just received an offer letter for what is essentially my dream job! It was a very competitive position and my updated resume is what got me into the door."

© Copyright 2024 Legally unaffiliated with Sheets & Giggles but we are dating.
Owned and operated by Colin McIntosh LLC